Lighting Fixture Kits By Fitter Size

Lighting Fixture Kits By Fitter Size

Lighting Fixture Kits By Fitter Size

Lighting Fixture Kits By Fitter Size

When choosing lighting fixtures, the fitter size is crucial for ensuring a proper fit and optimal performance. The fitter size, also known as the fitter diameter or width, is the outer diameter of the top lip of Glass Lamp Shade that slides into a fixture and is held in place with screws. To find a shade that will fit a fixture, measure the inner diameter of the shade holder (fitter) on the fixture and select a shade with a corresponding fitter diameter. The fitter should be a little smaller than the shade holder. Common fitter diameters include: 2-1/4in, 3-1/4in, 4in, 6in, 8in, 10in, and 12in glass shade fitters.

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