Alloy LED
Alloy LED Lighting Components
Alloy is a trusted nation-wide supplier and solutions provider of LED Tape Lights, LED Strip Lights, Aluminum channels, and LED power supplies. From the very beginning, Alloy LED was determined to manufacture and distribute superior LED lighting solutions to any other on the market.
PrimaLine 3 - 2.88 Watts Per Foot
PrimaLine 4.4 Gen 2 - 4.4 Watts Per Foot
PrimaLine 4.4 XT Gen 2 Wet - 4.4 Watts Per Foot
PrimaLine 5.5 Low-Profile - 5.5 Watts Per Foot
PrimaLine 6.6 Gen 2 - 6.6 Watts Per Foot
PrimaLine 8 Gen 2 - 8 Watts Per Foot
Dim-to-Warm LED Lighting
PrimaPanel Flexible LED Sheet